Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Art and Quotes

We all know that life isn't always rainbows and butterflies, but we should also know that we can't let the tough times get the best of us. 

The story of Cinderella impacted me as a child to remember to keep your head up high no matter how much you are suffering and eventually you will be rewarded. 

Watching the new Cinderella (2015) they emphasized the quote: "Have courage and be kind." Yes, it's hard to do, but ultimately it is something that I'd like to strive for. 

Not only is this quote encouraging for me, but I loved how Cinderella's dress was designed. 

First I penciled Cinderella's outline. 
I used acrylic paints, but in a watercolor fashion to get the different shades of blue without mixing paints. 

To get the flesh tone I mixed white with a drop of red, then a drop of yellow, the lastly a tiny drop of green. The more darker you add red the more light add yellow. 

I could have done a better job with her hair, but I wanted to keep it dirty blond. 

Using my liner brush I painted the quote. 

I was really scared to mess up her face. But I used a .05 Graphik Liner pen to draw in her eyes and eyebrows. 

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